Texture Mods - Lesson 2.0 Getting to Know Your Basic Tools
Hello! This is Peter Chordash here with MLPTF2Mods.com for the overview of section two, Getting to Know Your Basic Tools, part of the tutorial series on How to Create Texture Mods. If you haven’t already, be sure to view section one, which serves as an introduction to this tutorial series. In this section, as the name suggests, we will be taking a look at the basic tools you will be using for creating and modifying the textures of Team Fortress 2. The tools we will be looking at are GCFScape for exploring the game’s and other VPK files, VTFEdit for viewing, saving, importing and exporting VTF files, image editing programs to make the actual texture modifications, Half-Life Model Viewer to easily view our content modifications among other things, and the Valve Developer Wiki which proves to be a useful resource for anything regarding Source. All of these will come into play eventually. Some sooner than others. But first, we are going to look at the file directories and various locations you need to know about. See you in the next video.